The steps of JFIN transferring from Exchange(Satang Pro) into JFIN Wallet.
About the transferring from Exchange(Satang Pro) into JFIN Wallet, users should have to purchase JFIN token from Exchange or already have it.
Login to activate the JFIN Wallet application.
Go to Setting menu, then choose “transfer to JFIN Wallet”.
Press copy wallet address and paste to the source of Exchange that you want to withdraw JFIN token out and move into JFIN Wallet.
Make a JFIN withdrawal from your available Exchange (as example will be the Exchange of Satang Pro)
1. Go to Balances, press Withdraw at JFIN Coin.
2. Paste Wallet Address that copied from JFIN Wallet application into Address space.
3. Enter JFIN amount that you want to transfer out, at Amount space.
4. Enter 2FA code number from Google Authenticator.
5. Then press Create Withdrawal.
- Remark: It also has 10 JFIN transfer service fee.
After press Create Withdrawal at Withdraw page. The system will submit a confirmation message to your e-mail that was bound with Exchange. Please verify your JFIN amount needed to transfer and JFIN wallet address again. If they are correct then press Confirm Withdrawal.
When it has already been confirmed. At Balances page, your Exchange will display “Confirmed” status.
After completed the withdrawal at Exchange.(Estimated time not over than 30 minutes) Go to JFIN Wallet application and check your JFIN total amount again at “Your JFIN”.
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